96. Affirmations
This week Amanda dives in to the world of affirmations and explains why she believes them to be so effective during spiritual practice and in self development. She talks about her own experiences with affirmations and ways to incorporate them in to everyday life. There are countless takeaways from this episode that you definitely do not want to miss.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

84. It Takes Two to Tango
This week Amanda gives her perspective on what skeptics call "the placebo effect" of crystals and crystal healing. She talks about why she believes in the power of the subconscious mind and how crystals can help us tap in to what is ultimately possible for ourselves. Amanda explains that no matter your beliefs, if you commit to doing the work you can truly change your life.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

75. "When You Change Your Mindset, You Change Your Life."
In this week's episode Amanda reflects on all that she has learned from whom she considers to be the most influential mentor she has ever met: Bob Proctor. She talks about the lessons she has learned from Bob over the years, and also how impactful his teachings have been on her own life's journey. Amanda remembers her manifestation of meeting Bob and explains why he is such an inspiration to not only her, but millions of others all over the world. In this short tribute to Mr. Proctor, Amanda delivers a powerful message of gratitude for his life's work.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

69. Do You Have a Gratitude Rock?
This episode is all about the spirit of thanksgiving and being mindful of all that we have to be grateful for. Amanda discusses the power of gratitude and how The Secret changed her life. She retells the story from The Secret of Lee Brower and his gratitude rock and how she was impacted by it. Amanda encourages anyone listening to this episode to begin working with their own gratitude rock right away; if you aren't already of course.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com