99. Polished vs Unpolished Crystals
In this week's episode Amanda takes us through some of the differences between crystals that have been polished, and those that have not. She talks about the why and why not behind polishing crystals, and explains the reasoning for each. Amanda also shares a recent personal story that has helped her open up her mind about what she thought was her preference on the topic!
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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98. Candles & Spiritual Practice
This week Amanda explains why incorporating candles into your spiritual practice can make all of the difference in how effective it can be for you. She talks about why candles are so important to her and how she uses candles in her daily life. Amanda provides short, but meaningful insight into this powerful tool that many don't give enough credit to.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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97. Birthstones
In this week's episode, Amanda talks about birthstones and how working with your birthstone can have a profound impact on your spiritual journey. She explains different ways to work with them, and talks briefly about birthstone jewelry. If you've ever wanted to explore your own birthstone and the meaning behind it, this is a great place to start.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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96. Affirmations
This week Amanda dives in to the world of affirmations and explains why she believes them to be so effective during spiritual practice and in self development. She talks about her own experiences with affirmations and ways to incorporate them in to everyday life. There are countless takeaways from this episode that you definitely do not want to miss.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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95. Oracle Decks and Crystals: The Perfect Pair
In this week's episode Amanda explains how impactful working with an oracle deck can be, and how to incorporate crystals into this practice. She talks about the different types of decks she's worked with, and what crystals she suggests to include for different purposes. As always, Amanda recommends to trust your own intuition when it comes to selecting oracle decks and crystals.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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94. Are You Crystal Sensitive?
This week Amanda talks about empathy and how many crystal enthusiasts find themselves being empathic. She explains how empaths have strong connections with the crystal kingdom and can in many cases physically feel the energy from their crystals. Amanda also explains how if you are not empathic it doesn't mean you cannot work with crystals. This short episode has several takeaways that you don't want to miss.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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93. A Little Bit of Auras
In this week's episode Amanda takes a quick dive into our auric fields and talks about how crystals have them as well. She explains how our environments can impact our auras and why our crystals can influence our auric field. Amanda shares her experiences with auric readings and how she believes that our auras can be very revealing when it comes to the energies that we should be working with.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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92. Crystals for Every Room in the House
This week Amanda gives a room-by-room guide to placing crystals throughout your home. She explains the different energies you may want to incorporate into each room using your crystals, and gives examples of different options to choose from. Amanda talks about the different crystals she has in each room of her home and why she chose the specific crystals with purpose. This is a great episode with many take aways if you are planning on redecorating, buying a new home, or simply wanting to learn more about how to use crystals in your every day life at home.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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91. Crystals & Plants
In this week's episode Amanda talks about how we can introduce crystals to our plants. Crystals and plants coexist all throughout nature and it's no surprise that there are substantial benefits in allowing our crystals to work with our plants at home. Amanda gives examples of ways to do this, including how we can even use broken crystals or fragments of crystals that we may not have otherwise known what to do with. This episode is short, but filled with takeaways for anyone with a green thumb, or in Amanda's case...a red thumb!
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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90. Crystals & Physical Healing
This week Amanda explains how crystals can assist in helping us overcome physical ailments. She talks about the role crystals play in physical healing and what to expect when reaching for a crystal for this purpose. In her belief that our bodies are always doing everything they can to keep us healthy, she explains how crystals can help us understand what our bodies are trying to tell us.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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89. The Most Powerful Crystal
In this week's episode Amanda talks about what she believes to be "the most powerful crystal" in the crystal kingdom. She explains that many people feel differently about this particular topic, and goes into the different reasons why. This episode proves to be a well rounded, yet concise response to one of the most commonly asked questions Amanda receives regarding crystals. You might be surprised to learn the answer!
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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88. Fall in Love with Rhodochrosite
This week Amanda talks all about Rhodochrosite and how much she enjoys working with this love-filled crystal. She explains why it is one of her favorites and also discusses different ways to incorporate Rhodochrosite into spiritual practice. Amanda gives her take on why she thinks everyone can benefit from this beautiful crystal.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com