72. Live Like a Crystal
This week Amanda compares the life of a crystal to our own human experience and explains how we can be for ourselves and others what crystals are for us. She talks about why this is possible and how important it is to slow down and embrace our day to day journeys. This episode serves as a reminder for us to not only be mindful of living in the moment, but also how crystals can teach us to become better versions of ourselves.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

59. Malachite: The Transformation Stone
This week Amanda talks all about Malachite and why she loves it so much. She doesn't leave home without it and this episode explains why. Amanda describes different ways to work with Malachite and also her favorite ways to cleanse this transformational stone. If you aren't working with Malachite yet, you'll find yourself seeking out your next piece after listening to this episode.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com