97. Birthstones
In this week's episode, Amanda talks about birthstones and how working with your birthstone can have a profound impact on your spiritual journey. She explains different ways to work with them, and talks briefly about birthstone jewelry. If you've ever wanted to explore your own birthstone and the meaning behind it, this is a great place to start.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

57. Crystals for Grief and Loss
This week Amanda explains how working with our crystals can help us deal with some of the most difficult times in our lives. She explains how crystals can support us similarly to that of our closest friends or family. Amanda gives examples of crystals that she has used to help her cope with painful events in her own life, and also gives insight into why working with crystals during hardship can be extremely healing.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

51. Are Crystals Addictive?
This week Amanda admits she's addicted to crystals, and explains why that's not a bad thing. However, if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed with the size of your collection, you may want to consider taking a closer look at your crystals to help discover their purpose with you. Amanda talks about how bringing crystals into your space should never be an overwhelming or stressful situation, and why it's ok to part with some if you truly feel your time with them is complete. If you're anything like Amanda, you'll leave this episode feeling more closely connected with your crystals, and it may even inspire you to add new pieces to your collection!
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

50. A Crystal Conversation with Hibiscus Moon
On the 50th episode of Golightly Radio, author and crystal expert Hibiscus Moon joins Amanda for an in depth conversation to answer some of the most common questions asked about crystals and crystal healing. The two go back and forth to share their knowledge and dive into some of the whys behind what makes crystals so special. There are plenty of tangible takeaways from this candid conversation between teacher & student and even some laughs to go along with it.
Episode Resources
Crystal Grids: How and Why They Work: A Science-Based, Yet Practical Guide by Hibiscus Moon
Follow Hibiscus Moon on Instagram @hibiscusmoon
Visit hibiscusmoon.com
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

48. More Than Just an Accessory
In this week's episode, Amanda talks all about crystal jewelry and why it can be so beneficial to wear your crystals. She explains how she works with her own crystal jewelry and goes into detail about why wearing crystal jewelry can be the simplest way to work with crystals. Amanda also shares some insight into personal pieces of her own that have impacted her approach to wearing crystals.
Episode Resources
Golightly Premium Crystal Jewelry - https://golightlyhealing.com/collections/jewelry
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com