99. Polished vs Unpolished Crystals
In this week's episode Amanda takes us through some of the differences between crystals that have been polished, and those that have not. She talks about the why and why not behind polishing crystals, and explains the reasoning for each. Amanda also shares a recent personal story that has helped her open up her mind about what she thought was her preference on the topic!
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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98. Candles & Spiritual Practice
This week Amanda explains why incorporating candles into your spiritual practice can make all of the difference in how effective it can be for you. She talks about why candles are so important to her and how she uses candles in her daily life. Amanda provides short, but meaningful insight into this powerful tool that many don't give enough credit to.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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96. Affirmations
This week Amanda dives in to the world of affirmations and explains why she believes them to be so effective during spiritual practice and in self development. She talks about her own experiences with affirmations and ways to incorporate them in to everyday life. There are countless takeaways from this episode that you definitely do not want to miss.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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94. Are You Crystal Sensitive?
This week Amanda talks about empathy and how many crystal enthusiasts find themselves being empathic. She explains how empaths have strong connections with the crystal kingdom and can in many cases physically feel the energy from their crystals. Amanda also explains how if you are not empathic it doesn't mean you cannot work with crystals. This short episode has several takeaways that you don't want to miss.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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90. Crystals & Physical Healing
This week Amanda explains how crystals can assist in helping us overcome physical ailments. She talks about the role crystals play in physical healing and what to expect when reaching for a crystal for this purpose. In her belief that our bodies are always doing everything they can to keep us healthy, she explains how crystals can help us understand what our bodies are trying to tell us.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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87. Does Quality Matter?
In this week's episode Amanda talks all about the quality of crystals and whether or not it actually matters. She explains how it may not always be the quality that means the most to each person. Everyone is drawn to specific crystals for different reasons, and what matters the most is how a crystal makes you feel. As always, Amanda encourages everyone to trust their own intuition when it comes to selecting crystals.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

83. Earth Day
In this week's episode Amanda reflects on Earth Day and what it means to her and her crystal journey. She talks about different things she does with her crystals in honor of Earth Day and explains why she feels it is an important day not only for our environment, but also for us to learn and grow spiritually.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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82. Crystals and Religion
This week Amanda chats about a recent discussion she had with a religious friend of hers about crystals and religion and how the two CAN coexist. Amanda explains how though she is not a religious person currently, she does believe that all spirituality can be guided by love. She talks about how crystals can be incorporated into all beliefs and why acceptance is so important when finding our own paths to spirituality.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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81. Crystal Shopping: Online vs. In-Person
In this week's episode Amanda talks all about the pros and cons of crystal shopping, both online and in person. She goes over the do's and don'ts and what to look for from sellers when purchasing a new crystal for your collection. Amanda shares some of the most important things she's learned about crystal shopping and provides valuable take aways that can help anyone that might be on the hunt for a new piece!
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

80. My Precious
This week Amanda talks about what to do when someone wants to see your crystals. Should you let them hold your crystals? What will happen if people touch your crystals? Amanda answers these questions and more in this brief, but valuable episode.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

79. The Book of Stones
In this week's episode Amanda delivers her in depth review of The Book of Stones by Robert Simmons. Known as the go-to crystal encyclopedia, Amanda talks about why she resonates so deeply with the information that Robert Simmons shares in his book. She discusses some of the things that stand out to her about The Book of Stones and why it is such a valuable tool for all crystal enthusiasts.
Buy The Book of Stones
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

78. What's in Your Bag?
This week Amanda gives you an inside look at what's in her bag. She talks about the crystals she doesn't leave home without, and explains why it is so important to be mindful of what we carry with us each day. Amanda also discusses some of the other items that she brings with her everywhere she goes and the reasoning behind them. This is a light-hearted conversation that may inspire you to rethink what you've got in your own bag.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com
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