63. Do You Have a Spirit Animal?
In this week's episode Amanda dives in to the world of spirit animals. She talks about what they might mean and how you can identify what your spirit animal might be. She explains how she discovered what her spirit animal is, and even goes into some personal experiences she's had. If you've ever wondered why you're so drawn to a specific animal, this episode is a must listen.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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61. 2021 Denver Gem Show: Recap
Golightly is back from the 2021 Denver Gem & Mineral show and it was a trip that Amanda will remember forever. She talks about how much she loves the Denver show and why it is her favorite of the US shows. Amanda provides behind-the-scenes insight into what crystal shopping at gem shows means to her and why it is such an important part of the Golightly process. She takes you through what the last 10 days has been like for her and shares why she is so excited to connect with the crystal community each and every time she finds her way to a gem show.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

60. Crystal Healing is Simple
In this week's episode Amanda explains how simple crystal healing can be. She talks about how often we overthink or overcomplicate things when trying to work with crystals. Amanda also goes into some of her own experiences to help illustrate the concept of keeping it simple. This episode includes takeaways for crystal beginners and experts alike.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

59. Malachite: The Transformation Stone
This week Amanda talks all about Malachite and why she loves it so much. She doesn't leave home without it and this episode explains why. Amanda describes different ways to work with Malachite and also her favorite ways to cleanse this transformational stone. If you aren't working with Malachite yet, you'll find yourself seeking out your next piece after listening to this episode.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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58. What Does Golightly Mean?
In this week's episode Amanda tells the story of how Golightly came to be. She explains what Golightly means to her and why she is so inspired by the one word phrase. This episode of gratitude also delivers meaningful takeaways regarding the power we all have to heal ourselves.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

57. Crystals for Grief and Loss
This week Amanda explains how working with our crystals can help us deal with some of the most difficult times in our lives. She explains how crystals can support us similarly to that of our closest friends or family. Amanda gives examples of crystals that she has used to help her cope with painful events in her own life, and also gives insight into why working with crystals during hardship can be extremely healing.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

56. Love Heals All Wounds
Amanda has completed another trip around the sun, and similar to last year's birthday episode she's decided to share the biggest life lesson she learned in her 33rd year. She goes into how 2020 impacted her life and the lessons she took from the past year. This episode is a must listen for anyone who might need some guidance to finding growth through challenge or heartbreak.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

55. Leo Season Vibes
Leo season is upon us and Amanda is here for it. She explains what Leo season means for manifesting and how important it is to really focus our intentions during this time. Amanda gives examples of what crystals you might want to work with to help harness the power of this manifesting energy and also offers some tips for creative intention setting.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

54. The Golden Tektite You Didn't Know You Needed...
In this week's episode Amanda jumps into the manifesting world of Libyan Desert Glass, a golden colored tektite found in the Sahara Desert near Libya and Egypt. She talks about why it is one of her favorite manifesting companions and shares some of her personal experiences working with Libyan Desert Glass. You'll find this episode to be fun and informative, and it may even inspire you to add a piece of this powerful stone to your own collection.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

53. You Don't Have to Love Every Crystal
This week Amanda explains what it might mean if you aren't vibing with a specific crystal. She talks about how she believes crystals don't have the ability to be "bad" or "negative", but how they may reveal certain qualities or issues that we might not want to face or be ready to deal with at the moment. If you've been feeling put off by certain crystals, this episode might be able to help you figure out why.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

52. Stranded on an Island and You Get One Crystal
Imagine this: you're stranded on a deserted island and you only get to bring one crystal with you; which would you bring? Amanda explains her choice and gets her husband involved in the discussion. The two go back and forth about why they feel their choice is best. Prepare for some laughs and even learn how to survive on an island with your crystal of choice.
Disclaimer: This episode is not intended to provide actual survival skills.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com

51. Are Crystals Addictive?
This week Amanda admits she's addicted to crystals, and explains why that's not a bad thing. However, if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed with the size of your collection, you may want to consider taking a closer look at your crystals to help discover their purpose with you. Amanda talks about how bringing crystals into your space should never be an overwhelming or stressful situation, and why it's ok to part with some if you truly feel your time with them is complete. If you're anything like Amanda, you'll leave this episode feeling more closely connected with your crystals, and it may even inspire you to add new pieces to your collection!
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com