78. What's in Your Bag?
This week Amanda gives you an inside look at what's in her bag. She talks about the crystals she doesn't leave home without, and explains why it is so important to be mindful of what we carry with us each day. Amanda also discusses some of the other items that she brings with her everywhere she goes and the reasoning behind them. This is a light-hearted conversation that may inspire you to rethink what you've got in your own bag.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
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75. "When You Change Your Mindset, You Change Your Life."
In this week's episode Amanda reflects on all that she has learned from whom she considers to be the most influential mentor she has ever met: Bob Proctor. She talks about the lessons she has learned from Bob over the years, and also how impactful his teachings have been on her own life's journey. Amanda remembers her manifestation of meeting Bob and explains why he is such an inspiration to not only her, but millions of others all over the world. In this short tribute to Mr. Proctor, Amanda delivers a powerful message of gratitude for his life's work.
Follow Amanda on Instagram @golightlycrystals
Visit golightlyhealing.com